
This extension provides basic template widget feature for Flask

Installing Flask-Widgets

Install with pip:

pip install flask-widgets

Set Up

Widgets is managed through a Widgets instance:

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.widgets import Widgets

app = Flask(__name__)

widgets = Widgets(app)

You may also set up your Widgets instance later at configuration time using init_app method:

widgets = Widgets()

app = Flask(__name__)

Register Widgets

To register a single widget or a group of them, you will use the widget() and position() decorators:

def title():
    return 'Flask-Widget example'

@widgets.position('sidebar', order=1)
def sidebar_featured_items():
    return dict(the='variables', go='here')

The example above will register a standalone widget named title and position sidebar

To reorder the widgets in a position, adjust the order variable, widget with less order will render first

Widget method must return a dict of variables or a string, in case it returns a dict, Widgets with render them with a template has same name as the method widgets/sidebar_featured_items.html You can register as many positions and the number of widgets for them as you want.

Render Widgets in Template:

You will use template methods :meth`widget` and :meth`widgets` to render widgets:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>{{ widget('title') }}</title>
        <div style="border:1px solid #ccc">
            {{ widgets('header') }}
        Template body
        <div style="border:1px solid #ddd">
            {{ widgets('footer') }}

Widgets will render registered widgets for you, if you need


  • The extension is in development, use it ask your own risk
  • If you have better ideas or any suggestion please feel free to contact me
  • If you can improve this document, please help!